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Fabio Galoppi

I remember growing up and looking at my dad as invincible all mighty and a one in a lifetime superhero. As I grew up I realized that he was all that and he was also a good man who lived a full life, traveled the world enjoyed life to its fullest, and fought every fight as if it was his last one. We miss you, your spirit and love you always

Mercedes Gomez

Sadly I didn’t have the opportunity to meet Mr. Galoppi, but I’m sure he was the best and a kind man as he gave me the best boss and friend I could asked for. Rest in peace, Mr. Galoppi. 

Nina galoppi

Nono, was my first introduction into being a true galoppi, he taught me to behave at the table and how to enjoy family gathering’s. I’m so saddened by your loss and wish we could have had more time together so that we could have had a better relationship, but your memory and your lessons live in me, and I will teach them to generations to come, love you Nono ♥️



Sergio Zelaya

Estimado don Fabio,
Lamento profundamente la pérdida de su padre. En estos momentos difíciles, quiero expresar mis más sinceras condolencias. Que encuentre fuerza y consuelo en el afecto de sus seres queridos.
Atentamente, Sergio Zelaya (El Salvador)

roberto serracchioli

era lo zio che tutti aspettavamo ogni anno a Natale. Arrivava col suo macchinone, ci portava ad Ostia al mare, mangiavamo ad un bar per poi correre sulla spiaggia. Rideva ed era sempre di buon umore.
Ricordo le partite a carte, di ” Mercante-in-fiera” lui teneva l’asta di vendita. Come era bravo, quante risate. Quello sì, era davvero Natale.
Ecco il mio ricordo di lui è legato ai Natali più belli. Alla sua allegria, la sua risata fragorosa, la sua allegria incontenibile.

Addio zio indimenticabile

Pierre Galoppi

Ciao papà ti avremo sempre con noi.